First ever remote RUG::B

organizowane przez Tobias Pfeiffer, 23.04.2020 o 19:00

Hello everyone,

exciting times ahead - we're going for our first remote meetup! You're welcome wherever you're from as long as you adhere to our Code of Conduct - the meetup is in English.

Current schedule is two 20min talks including Q&A, followed by splitting the audience into smaller groups for virtually hanging out :)

Joining the meetup

The meetup will be on zoom and it will be recorded

Normal zoom link

Zoom browser only link (sadly needs a zoom account, probably works best on chrome/ium)

  • if you don't want your video to be visible to others, then turn it off/leave it off
  • if you can't make it/don't want to be on zoom, watch the recording!

We're aware of the privacy concerns surrounding zoom and we share them. We're looking for better tools. Meanwhile, if you don't want to use the desktop client the zoom browser link above should work for you. If it doesn't you can usually get to it like this: the join link should also show a tiny "join from browser" link at the bottom of the window. Sadly, this requires you to create a zoom account. If the link doesn't show up, open the "Download and Install Zoom" link in a separate tab, that should make the link appear. Dark UI patterns 😖

Participating in the meetup

  • We'll take Q&A questions in the chat in Zoom
  • There is also a #rugb-live channel in the Ruby Berlin Slack, you can join the slack here
  • the "socializing" part is optional naturally, our aim is to not lose that part of our meetup - we'll try to use Zoom's breakout feature to split you into random groups and give you some ice breaker questions to kick it off


It's the first time we're doing a remote meetup. Your feedback is very welcome. Things will go wrong, we'll try to fix them.

See you

Looking forward to see y'all Rubyists from Berlin and maybe all over the world.

Amr, Pascal & Tobi


Developer Mental Health & Mental Development

I feel like Imposter syndrome has been talked to death already, but what about burning out? (Not) finding your own path as a developer? Finding your place in a new team? Proving yourself, even you already have several years of experience? Dealing with uncertainty, the paradox of choice of too many directions in which you could further develop your skills? Should you go deeper on the stack you already have, or hedge your bets, with learning some emerging technologies? Can you ever really be full stack? Stay full stack? Should you been aspire to be, or is that something only recruiters like to dream of? What do different kinds of companies (probably) expect of you? Learning new things is a requirement for a successful developer, certainly, but what if just it gets "too much"? Is it "fine" for you to work 100% remote? Could you even go freelance? Can you already mentor junior developers, or do you need to first get your own things straightened out?

Let's build a point of sale system, with a Vue or two!

"Can you have it show order data across multiple monitors by tomorrow?"

This is the story of that one time I was contracted to build a point of sale system in 3 weeks, using Vue.js, a Raspberry Pi, and a thermal printer. It was a chaotic but educational journey, with valuable takeaways!

Uczestników: (70)

Wydarzenia: 31
Tematy: 0


Pascal Wengerter
Wydarzenia: 28
Tematy: 1

yonatan miller
Wydarzenia: 21
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 36
Tematy: 1

Norbert Crombach
Wydarzenia: 4
Tematy: 0

Julia Wolf
Wydarzenia: 22
Tematy: 0

Peter Gillis
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 0

Maximilian Haack
Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 0

Mohnish G J
Wydarzenia: 10
Tematy: 2

Virginia Weidhaas
Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 0

Nazar Khmil
Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 0

Rick L.
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 12
Tematy: 0

Carsten Behnert
Wydarzenia: 27
Tematy: 0

Andrés Castañeda
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Ramón Huidobro
Wydarzenia: 13
Tematy: 2

Sunito Sven Suska
Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 0

Dajana @ 🏠 👶🏻
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 0 Ian
Wydarzenia: 26
Tematy: 0

Toño Serna
Wydarzenia: 46
Tematy: 0

Paul Götze
Wydarzenia: 63
Tematy: 1

Damir Zekic
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Christian Bäuerlein
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 1

Boris Diebold
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Andrew Radev
Wydarzenia: 20
Tematy: 1

Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Tales Cione
Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 0

[email protected]
Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 0

Stephan Leibelt
Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 0

Marcelo Menezes
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Jan-Erik Rediger
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 4
Tematy: 0

Arian Celina
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Florian Kraft
Wydarzenia: 8
Tematy: 1

Arne Tarara
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Cameron Prebble 🇳🇿
Wydarzenia: 45
Tematy: 0

Daniel Hahn
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Marcello Rocha
Wydarzenia: 12
Tematy: 1

Andreas Finger
Wydarzenia: 15
Tematy: 0

Guilherme Pasqualino
Wydarzenia: 27
Tematy: 0


Tobias Pfeiffer
Wydarzenia: 104
Tematy: 15

Max Mulatz
Wydarzenia: 20
Tematy: 2

Monica Giambitto
Wydarzenia: 4
Tematy: 0

Christoph Grabo
Wydarzenia: 83
Tematy: 1

Timur Yanberdin
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 1

Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0

Wiktoria Dalach
Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0

Marina Guseva
Wydarzenia: 4
Tematy: 0

Christian Mager
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Ed Tewiah
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Armin Pašalić
Wydarzenia: 70
Tematy: 3

Aleksandr Zykov
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Kasper Stöckel
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Dominik Tomczak
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Bogusław Tolarz
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Sebastian Spier
Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 1

Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Vitalii Yanishevskyi
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Phillip Trautmann
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 1

Sergey Kukunin
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0


Amr Abdelwahab(عمرو)
Wydarzenia: 31
Tematy: 5

yaniv preiss
Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0

Peter Swank
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

edimo sousa
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0