Come and join us for another Ruby User Group Berlin, this time at Edenspiekermann! We will have talks, drinks and a good time.


Cloud Foundry and Bosh, a Cloud Love.

There's a coffee beyond Starbucks and a PaaS beyond Heroku. AND: it's open source and mostly written in Ruby! Meet Cloud Foundry and its infrastructure orchestration companion Bosh. Learn what makes up this PaaS internally and how its being deployed in an infrastructure agnostic way. Learn about Bosh, the new chef.

How I built my own Twitch-Plays-Pokémon

According to Wikipedia, Twitch-Plays-Pokémon "is a social experiment and channel on the video streaming website Twitch, consisting of a crowdsourced attempt to play Nintendo's Pokémon video games by parsing commands sent by users through the channel's chat room.". I gave this talk at Baruco 2014, in which I explain the story of How I built my own TPP (sort of).

The talk includes technical components like "controlling a computer with JRuby" and "Writing a GameBoy emulator with Ruby".

It has some technical parts, but it's fairly motivational as well.

A primer on Content Security Policy

Content Security Policy (CSP) is as a security concept aiming to prevent XSS and other forms of browser–based attacks right where they happen — in the browser. CSP has been around for a little while but it’s only now that browser vendors are closing in on implementing most of the W3C specification.

This talk will take a look at what CSP is, why it matters and how to use it with Ruby–based web applications.

Attendees: (48)

Events: 5
Topics: 0

Thilo Grashei
Events: 8
Topics: 0

Roland Koch
Events: 41
Topics: 0

José Albornoz
Events: 3
Topics: 1

Eduardo Sampaio
Events: 10
Topics: 0

Events: 6
Topics: 1

Martin Josefsson
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Events: 22
Topics: 0

Sarah Hoffmann
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Dennis Denicio
Events: 35
Topics: 1

Fokke Vermeulen
Events: 12
Topics: 0

Richard Garbutt
Events: 3
Topics: 0

Events: 4
Topics: 0


Tobias Pfeiffer
Events: 104
Topics: 15

Thilo Utke
Events: 23
Topics: 0

Greg Karékinian
Events: 22
Topics: 1

Matthias Günther
Events: 20
Topics: 5

Ryan Levick
Events: 3
Topics: 3

Jana Vogel
Events: 9
Topics: 0

Andre Pankratz
Events: 9
Topics: 0

Events: 1
Topics: 0

Riko Tertsch
Events: 8
Topics: 0

Till Leinen
Events: 3
Topics: 0

Denis Defreyne
Events: 24
Topics: 13

Jan Lelis
Events: 50
Topics: 7

Events: 3
Topics: 0

Events: 6
Topics: 0

Lucas Pinto
Events: 5
Topics: 0

Events: 1
Topics: 0

Duilio Ruggiero
Events: 27
Topics: 0

Marcin Balinski
Events: 3
Topics: 0

Lukas Rieder
Events: 20
Topics: 7

Nuno Pato
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Christoph Grabo
Events: 83
Topics: 1

Sebastian Ziebell
Events: 27
Topics: 0

Marek Rosa
Events: 7
Topics: 0

Events: 6
Topics: 0

Artur Roszczyk
Events: 2
Topics: 0

Jan Schulte
Events: 18
Topics: 3

Hendrik Burmann
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Armin Pašalić
Events: 70
Topics: 3

Volker Gersabeck
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Robert Schulze
Events: 26
Topics: 0

Paul Götze
Events: 63
Topics: 1

Thomas H. Herr
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Events: 3
Topics: 0

Daniel Kirsch
Events: 2
Topics: 0

Alexander Pepper
Events: 20
Topics: 0
