Attention: new new Times! Doors open 18:30, talks start ~19:00

Let's gather again - in person and enjoy some talks & company. This time we'll preview Honeypot's Rails documentary



18:30 Doors Open, snacks and get together

19:00 Rails doc preview, ~30mins, small Q&A

~19:45 Break

~20:15 Talks begin, 2 Talks a ~20-30mins each

~21:15 Lightning Talks (5mins each)

Finding the way

Use Aufgang A! And here's a little nice graphic helping you find the way:

honeypot way

Health & Safety

Be considerate of other people and their space and preferences. There is no mask mandate, but feel free to wear one.

Food & Drinks

There will be Pizza, vegetarian and vegan options included, as well as drinks!


There's More to Open Source than Code

Interested in trying out OSS contributing, and can't find a project you're comfortable in? Maybe you found an issue but the scope is too big to start?

There are other ways to get into OSS! In this chat, we'll cover non-code contributions, the different types there is, and how to get started in a way that works for you.

Looking beyond software engineering assumptions

The essence of my talk revolves around shedding light on the numerous ambiguous aspects that we, as software engineers, tend to overlook or believe we understand fully. These are the things that can mislead us due to their incomplete, misunderstood, or inadequately named nature. Let me give you a taste:

  • Consider those instances where we anticipate magical solutions to intricate problems, only to be disheartened when they inevitably fall short (hint: magic solutions don’t exist).
  • Or reflect upon the actions we take merely because some revered authority figure told us it’s the “proper” way of doing things.
  • And then there are those concepts that everyone seems to know and accept without question, like the age-old notions of premature optimization being the root of all evil, or the principles of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), or the everlasting struggle encompassed in the Speed, Quality, Cost triangle.
  • We can also delve into the realm of code reviews and explore what truly constitutes a microservice (or even a monolith, or the elusive SOA, for that matter).
  • The list goes on...

By examining these commonplace assumptions and attempting to unravel their underlying truths, my aim is to provoke introspection and challenge the status quo.

Ruby on Rails: The Documentary

Ruby on Rails has one of the most faithful communities online, it also has one of the most controversial, rabble-rousing creators out there, Danish programmer, David Heinemeier Hansson. Widely known as DHH, David tells us how Rails went from a crazy idea to one of the most talked-about fullstack frameworks over the course of 20 years.

Get the whole spill by the people who had a front-row seat to the creation and development of Ruby on Rails. Jeremy Daer, Jason Fried, Tobias Lütke, Jamis Buck, and… DHH tell the tale of Rails. A tale seeped with passion, pushback, and (after Rails 3.0) maturity.

This documentary comes straight from the Honeypot team, who previously brought you documentaries on React, Vue, Kubernetes, and more.

Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer (32)

Manuel Wiedenmann
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Treffen: 2
Themen: 0

Hannah Augur
Treffen: 1
Themen: 1

Vineeth Sathish
Treffen: 5
Themen: 0

Ashwini Seshadri
Treffen: 2
Themen: 0

Pavel Obod
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Raluca B
Treffen: 2
Themen: 0

Tim Kächele
Treffen: 8
Themen: 3

Jörg S
Treffen: 3
Themen: 0

Christoph Sassenberg
Treffen: 20
Themen: 0

Leon Entrup
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Armin Pašalić
Treffen: 70
Themen: 3

Jan-Erik Rediger
Treffen: 7
Themen: 0

Treffen: 4
Themen: 0

Dima Boyko
Treffen: 14
Themen: 1

Adam Niedzielski
Treffen: 11
Themen: 2

Leo Körber
Treffen: 2
Themen: 0

Mahdiar Naufal
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Aijaz Khan
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

João Paulo Ribeiro
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Rahele Nz
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Peter Gillis
Treffen: 7
Themen: 0

Saroj Maharjan
Treffen: 7
Themen: 0

Prabesh Shrestha
Treffen: 5
Themen: 0

Michael Reinsch
Treffen: 30
Themen: 2


Tobias Pfeiffer
Treffen: 104
Themen: 15

Kasper König
Treffen: 11
Themen: 1

Afsaneh Fadaei
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Lara Klemme
Treffen: 4
Themen: 0

Treffen: 2
Themen: 0

Treffen: 2
Themen: 0

Treffen: 2
Themen: 0
