Beyond Mind Hacks: Refactor your Thoughtware with Memetic Engineering
Disclaimer: this is not specific to Ruby, it isn't even technical. As I work mostly as a Ruby developer and partially a technical product manager for a Ruby app, I am really curious if fellow Rubyists are interested in this topic.
Beyond Mind Hacks: Refactor your Thoughtware with Memetic Engineering
We might have collected some "technical debt" over the years of our lives in our "thoughtware". (And also emotionally, but that is out of scope for this talk.)
What if the culture surrounding us is just a game world? What other game worlds are out there? What differentiates game worlds?
This talk introduces a game world rooted in radical responsibility. This contrasts to our currently prevalent culture, which looks like it is rooted in irresponsibility. Avoiding responsibility seems to be the norm; taking on responsibility often equals blame.
How would your life change given a new, blame-free, meaning of responsibility, where it became the basis for your decision making?
The memes from this game world (there will be time to present a few only) deliver new distinctions for "refactoring" your thoughtware. This could help you to make decisions more consciously, and thus allowing you to make different, say more responsible, choices. And in turn this may yield quite different results – perhaps even a form of sustainable, well-crafted software development.